Emergency Preparedness

In the Event of an Emergency...

We pray and hope that emergencies of any kind do not affect our church family; however, we also want to do our due diligence to be prepared in case an emergency does happen.  Ourstaff, church board, ushers, and greeters have all been trained on the following protcols.


  • In case of the need to evacuate (i.e. fire alarm, gas leak, etc.), all persons should immediately exit the building and rendezvous at the east end of the parking lot near the green trash dumpster. All persons should stay on the grass to allow emergency vehicles access to the road/driveway.
  • If alarm sounds, designate someone to call the fire department (the alarm should automatically trigger the fire department that help is needed).
  • Clear each area, turn off the lights and close the doors
  • Feel all doors with your hand before opening. If the door is hot, do not open it. If the door is cool, open it slowly, keeping behind the door in case you have to quickly close it to protect yourself from oncoming smoke or fire.
  • Do not use the elevator.
  • Security team, staff, and other church leaders should communicate with each other as areas are cleared.
  • Once building is cleared, assist in crowd control outside, families finding each other, and making room for emergency vehicles to enter.
  • Keep all exists and driveways clear.
  • Do not get into vehicles and attempt to leave the area.
  • Direct all people upwind away from the area of the fire.
  • Be prepared because if a fire is present, the automatic sprinklers will be activated.
Those in children’s building will exit out of their building and meet at evacuation site.
All parents should sign out their children with the Children’s Pastor so all are accounted for.


We believe that after being born again, we need the fullness of God’s Spirit in our hearts. When we make a complete commitment to Him, He cleanses our spirit, fills us with His perfect love, and gives us the power to live victoriously.


We believe in the Lord’s Supper. And what it represents.


We believe that Jesus Christ died on the Cross and we can be restored to a right relationship to God.


We believe that God has enabled us to turn to Him from our sin but that He has not forced us to do so.


We believe that everyone will face the judgment of God with its rewards and punishments.